This was the loveliest newsletter installment! I'm in the middle of my MA dissertation and borrowed your process journal prompts to help with this week's work. The first day I did them, it felt a bit self-indulgent to write about my feelings instead of diving directly into the work. But it's given me such a sense of peace and focus—and it's nice to notice any unkind feelings and gently redirect them towards more generosity and patience with myself.

Congratulations on your book chapter as well! Hope you'll have a way to celebrate this!

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Hi Celine! Thank you so much for you kind words! :) So glad that the process journal has helped you on your journey. Yes, I totally agree--it did feel a bit strange to "journal" as part of my academic writing practice, but I have also found that it has really opened up a lot of doors for me to just get through to the writing bit of it!

And thank you so much!! <3 Haha, yes--I got a nice little lavender latte to celebrate!

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